Presidency and Area Seventy
By Elder J. Devn Cornish, We pray that each of us will respond to the choice blessings the gospel has brought into our lives by helping all of those around us to receive the same joy and thus fulfill the purposes for which we were sent to earth in this, our day.
Elder Claudio Daniel Zivic, As we all held each other’s hands, we were sealed for time and for all eternity, and we saw our reflection in the mirrors as an eternal family. What a wonderful experience!
Elder Claude R. Gamiette, The ability to suffer with those who suffer, and to be motivated to help and save them, appears to be one of the great attributes of the Savior.
Elder Jorge S. Dominguez, Developing the attributes of our Savior is what will help us to keep in our minds and our hearts both the temporal and spiritual needs of our brothers and sisters.
Elder Wilford W. Andersen, From the beginning of the world true believers have practiced fasting as part of their worship of God.
Elder Wilford W. Andersen, From the beginning of the world true believers have practiced fasting as part of their worship of God.
ELDER JORGE S. DOMÍNGUEZ, In Doctrine and Covenants 18:10 we are taught that the worth of souls is great in the sight of God. From this scripture we can learn to love, serve and minister to others, thereby helping them return with joy to Heavenly Father.
Elder Claudio D. Zivic, That success in this life, as the Lord sees it, is based on the loving answers we receive from our Heavenly Father as we ask for the righteous desires of our hearts.
ELDER J. DEVN CORNISH, One of the glorious evidences of the restoration of truth from heaven in these latter days is the presence in Christ's church of true and living apostles and prophets.
Elder Hugo E. Martínez, It is my desire that our gifts to Jesus Christ for Easter and always may be a life that is pleasing to Him, of broken hearts and contrite spirits, as well as love for Him and all of humankind.
ELDER CLAUDIO DANIEL ZIVIC, We can avoid the mists of darkness that lead to personal apostasy by repenting of our sins, overcoming offense, eliminating faultfinding, and following our Church leaders.
Elder WIilford W. Andersen, Be it the Bishop, the Primary President or the President of the Deacons Quorum, it is the mantle that qualifies one for the Lord’s work.