“And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.” (Mosiah 2:41)
These were the words of King Benjamin as he spoke to his people that were gathered by families listening to his words.
I would like to analyze this scripture.
'Those who keep the commandments of God' will be blessed and happy in all things - temporal and spiritual. What happens if we remain faithful? We will be received into heaven, we will dwell with God and we will receive 'never-ending happiness'.
We all want this. I love when he says that we will have 'never-ending happiness'.
Those words give me a lot of hope, more than I can imagine!
How can we make every home remain faithful and achieve that never-ending happiness?
Elder Whitney L. Clayton of the Presidency of the Seventy advised us during this past April conference regarding four things we can do to make our home into a “fine” home
First, have the image of Christ reflected in the faces of those who reside in that house. It does not matter if the floor is made out of marble or dirt. My beloved grandmother Olga taught me that everything, all around me should be clean. She always said to me 'Cari Lu, cleanliness doesn’t go away just because of poverty!' I have that memory always recorded in my actions at home, and I add that 'both physical and spiritual cleanliness does not go away just because of poverty, regardless of where and how one lives.' Let us fill our homes with the light of the gospel. 'Get organized, prepare and establish' a house, even a life - filled with the Spirit of God.
Second, study the scriptures and listen to the words of the living prophets every day. Let's transform our homes through studying the gospel. There we can learn about daily repentance that leads us to be more kind, loving and understanding. It brings us closer to our Savior. Home instruction manuals are found in the Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Pearl of Great Price, and the magazines and messages received monthly. Let's hold on to these.
Third, the Temple, the construction plan.
By having the image of Christ on our face and reflecting on the love that He gives us will form our character. This brings us closer to Him and therefore to the Temple. There we find peace, and answers to our questions. At the Salt Lake Temple, a major remodeling and reinforcement of the base and foundation is currently underway to make it earthquake-proof. We also must verify what things we have to change to strengthen and reshape our lives and to be able to resist spiritual earthquakes.
Fourth, Make our home a refuge from the storms of life.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this message, King Benjamin told his people and us as well, that whomever keeps the commandments 'will prosper in the land.' Prosperity for God is the power to keep going despite life's problems. If we live faithfully, having strength and eternal vision, we will be worthy to receive divine help in times of need and difficulty.
This does not mean that we will avoid trials such as illnesses, accidents, loss of employment or any other difficulty. We all face great challenges and difficulties. But we know that if we dedicate our lives to obey, and to live in righteousness, these challenges will serve as experiences in which we can learn to hold more securely to Christ, to help others as we work through our own difficulties, thus forming our character into one of a disciple of Christ.
We are living in interesting times where, according to Isaiah 5:20, “woe unto them who call evil good, and good evil; that make darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. ” The more time passes by, the less people want to do the right thing; but that does not mean that we are less strong. It means that we should put on the armor of God to protect ourselves from those fiery darts and arrows that attack us daily. May we be a light in the darkness, always loving and being an example of doing what is right for our fellow men. Let us share with others the good news of the Gospel and the blessings we receive because of it; that all is not lost.
Our Father in Heaven loves you. Jesus Christ loves you. He knows your strengths and knows your weaknesses. He forgives you seventy times seven. His atoning sacrifice is the greatest gift He could ever give you, along with his Holy Spirit who is our Comforter. Receive it. Follow it. Keep going. Do not give up. It is never too late. Today is a good day to start
You will be greatly blessed. Let us stay faithful to the end with a sure hope for that never-ending happiness.