My dear Young adults! This era in which we get to live is great, currently, technology and access to information, more than a treat , has become a necessity. The church is always up to date with all the good things this area offers, and it is because of this that it has created the myinstitute app, an app through which you can directly enroll in Institute, select the class of your preference, obtain information about pending graduation requirements, update your personal information, check your attendance, among other things.
Institute classes will give you the opportunity to stay in a healthy environment, spend time with other young people who share your values, learn from faithful and dedicated teachers who strive to teach each lesson with the influence of the Holy Ghost and finally by attending you will increase your faith in Heavenly Father and His Son.
The purpose of Institute is to help young adults (ages 18-30) to understand and trust the teachings and atonement of Jesus Christ, to become worthy of temple blessings and to prepare themselves, their family and others for eternal life with their Heavenly Father.