As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we often gather, whether it be at church or in our homes, but more so we help with the gathering that takes place across the veil. During the months leading up to this year’s FSY Conference, both parents along with their children have been putting both hands and hearts together to help with this gathering by focusing their efforts on adding information to their Family Trees so that the youths can serve as proxies for those family members who have passed.
During the preparation, Aaliyah Martinez, one of the participants shared, “Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and learning about family history from my mom has really taught me much about why it is important to know my family background. I have found the names of many of my relatives that have died, and it has helped me to somehow feel closer to them as I am helping them with their eternal salvation. I also find comfort in knowing that someday many of them will return to be with our Heavenly Father.”
As the youths continue to lead and prepare names for the event, another one of the participants, Sariah Dennis, during a discussion held on Zoom, took the initiative to demonstrate to a group of Young Single Adults all her current discoveries. She explained just how important it is to ‘keep those spirits alive’ by being consistent in updating the information on their Family Trees.
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve said “Every soul, living or dead, who is accountable for his or her actions needs the blessing of sacred temple ordinances, and we can help our family members receive them…you too can assist in the salvation of souls.”
As many of our youth across the Caribbean have begun to understand the sacredness of this principle, they look forward to entering the Lord’s Holy House and help their family members sing the song of ‘redeeming love’.