The Jamaica Kingston Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints hosted its second annual Women’s Conference remotely via Zoom from Jamaica on July 10, 2021. More than 130 women from Jamaica, Turks and Caicos, Cayman Islands and Bahamas participated. It included a panel discussion, musical renditions, testimonies, and talks from a Relief Society General Advisory Council member as well as regional and local leaders.
The Women's Conference was themed, “Understanding Our Divine Destiny and Striving for Exaltation.” Sister Nadine Brown, who is an International Area Organization Advisor, led the panel discussion. Sisters from the region submitted questions to the organizers of the event, which were answered live during the Conference. The other panellists were President Tony Parker, President of the Jamaica Kingston Mission and his companion; Sister Lina Parker, Elder Kevin Brown, Area Seventy, and President Andrew Lue Stake, Kingston Jamaica Stake President, and his wife Sister Andrene Lue.
President Parker reminded the women who attended the conference of the necessity of their presence in their homes and at church as they magnify their callings. Elder Brown pleaded with sisters to stay on the covenant path. He said, “[The] titles; woman, wife, and mother are under attack by Lucifer”. He invited them to read more about their divine role from The Family a Proclamation to the World.
President and Sister Lue encouraged sisters to be patient in their pursuit for an eternal companion despite witnessing failed marriages. Sister Lue testified that the Lord would come through for his daughters as they nurture their faith and serve. Elder Brown encouraged the women not to lose their testimonies in pursuit of a companion. He said, instead, single sisters should live a fulfilled life while they patiently wait and pray for the blessing of marriage. The women were encouraged to offer gospel invitations to their spouses who are not of the faith rather than ultimatums to foster change.
Sister Rebecca Mehr was a special guest at the Conference. She is a member of the Relief Society General Advisory Council, which is the leadership body of the women’s organization of the worldwide church. She spoke about her experience of being single for many years and testified of having her pains healed by the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Sister Mehr encouraged sisters to seek revelation and act immediately. She added, “Keep your covenants at all cost.” Sister Mehr concluded her remarks by encouraging the women to learn more about the holy priesthood by reading Chapter 3 from the General Handbook.
President Arnold Odonkor and Sister Sethrina Odonkor- the newly called Mission President and his companion of the Jamaica Kingston Mission- joined the Conference via Zoom from Ghana. They shared their testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the love they have for Him.
In his closing remarks, President Parker invited the sisters to read from the Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. He charged the women to read Helaman 3:35 and Moses 6:60 with the promise of personal revelation.
Sister Allison Lewis from the Linstead Ward shared, “[The Conference] was incredibly spiritual, and I was reminded of my worth and responsibility as a woman in Zion”. Sister Roshene McKenzie from the Constant Spring Ward, who was also in attendance said, “At the end of the Conference I felt so hopeful... there was an overwhelming feeling as each person spoke. [It was] a reminder that I am a child of God.” Throughout the Conference, as sisters participated remotely, they were observed smiling and nodding as a sign of gratitude for the messages shared.