Dominica Island receive first visit from An Apostle

Dominica Island receive first visit from An Apostle

Excitement Permeates the Caribbean Island of Dominica as Elder Dale G. Renlund, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, visits the Portsmouth Branch.

The anticipation of the visit from an apostle of Jesus Christ permeated the small chapel in Portsmouth, Dominica on Sunday, February 16, 2020.  This was the first time that an apostle of Jesus Christ had visited the beautiful island of Dominica. 

Elder Dale G. Renlund presided over the Devotional and Sister and Elder George M. Alvarado of the Caribbean Area Presidency spoke and were followed by Sister and Elder Renlund.

Sister Cari Lu Alvarado - You stay in our Hearts.  Sister Alvarado shared four ways to build our testimonies about Jesus Christ.  

1. Read the scriptures every day and ponder the words of the living prophets.

2. Pray.  Give thanks for all that the Lord gives us each day.

3. Partake of the Sacrament.  As we take the sacrament we can remember Him and think about the sacrifice that our Savior made for us.

4. Service.  When the Savior came to earth he served and helped others and we need to do the same.

Elder Jorge M. Alvarado expressed his excitement “to be home” in the area where he served as the Mission President with his wife Cari Lu from July 2010 to 2013 in the Puerto Rico Mission.  He expressed his gratitude for the saints who have remained faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ.  He enthusiastically said, “I see the power of conversion in your lives!”

He thanked the youth for their faithfulness and said, “Keep working on your seminary to keep your testimony strong, keep singing in primary and studying at home. Our hope for Dominica is the youth who will become our leaders.”

Sister Ruth L. Renlund shared an experience about when she lived in Africa for five years. All of the children knew the song I am a Child of God.  With children from the audience helping her, she identified how a word in the song was changed from the original song.  Teach me all that I must KNOW was changed to teach me all that I must DO.  Spencer W. Kimball taught us that it is not enough to just know, but that we must DO.   Sister Renlund asked the question, “What do we know and what do we do when we know?  Some examples included: we pray because we know we have a Heavenly Father.  We repent because we know we can be forgiven.  She said, “If we know - then we must do!”

Elder Dale G. Renlund brought greetings from President Nelson.  He said “I am one of The Twelve Apostles.  I am not special myself, but Christ is special.”

He shared that when we keep our momentum and keep pressing forward, we can maintain our stability even in challenging times.  We can choose to maintain our momentum and stay on the convent path and follow the Savior by focusing on Him.

Elder Renlund concluded by saying “I know that the Lord knows you and is aware of you and your circumstances”.  He blessed the saints to know how much He loves them.  “He is your Divine Heavenly Friend.  He watches over you and protects you and the storms will be minimized. You can achieve all that you need. Whatever is not quite right in your families can be helped as you stay strong and faithful.”

Keep doing what God wants us to do and then we are blessed.